Guillermina Antunez (Santiago)
The fertility of your desire / La fertilidad de tu deseo
to express the desire to become pregnant
Open the stone pendant and place seed inside with moistened cotton. Think about your wish. Once it has sprouted, plant seedling and watch your wish grow. This is designed specifically for those wishing to become pregnant, but it can also work for those just wishing to stay alive.
river stone, rubber, silver
Email for details
Guillermina Antunez had a residency in Melbourne as part of the South Project in 2004. She impressed many with her art and skill in using stone for her jewellery, drawing on the cultural associations of Patagonia in particular. Now she returns with a work that marries the traditional power of jewellery with a modernist aesthetic.
Guille querida, qué placerverte por acá! Preciosa la idea de abrir lo inerte para albergar vida. Un abrazo,